Saturday, May 17, 2014

Helpful Household Hints

I found a lot of these while looking through Pinterest. Pinterest is a wonderful source for finding creative and economical tips for around the house. I will include links whenever I can to the original site where I see the tips. If a link is wrong or no longer working just let me know and I will fix it if I can.

Please feel free to leave your feedback on any of these that you try or to leave a tip of your own!

Don't you just hate trying to find the end of a roll of tape? Here is a great fix using a plastic bread tag as a tape marker. Just fold the end of the tape over the plastic bread tag, and your tape will be ready to use next time you reach for it.

From Martha Stewart. Slip-proof your rug: To give an area rug some traction, flip it over, and apply lines of acrylic-latex caulk every 6 inches or so. Once dry, you can safely put down your rug; the rubbery strips will hold it in place.  

Restore a vacuum to maximum power by cutting the lint and hair from its roller brush using a seam ripper. This is a huge time saver. I have used scissors before but the seam ripper is so much easier and faster! I hate to admit the number of hours I have spent over the years picking away at the hair stuck in our sweepers roller bar. I have often thought that we could house a kennel and not have as much hair as our two girls managed to shed!

If you break your blender container you can substitute a mason jar.

Remove gunk from the sole plate of an iron. With the setting on low, rub the iron over the dryer sheet until the residue disappears, and you're left with a pristine press.

Love this idea. I hate climbing up to clean the tops of our kitchen cabinets. They seem to be grease and dust magnets which is a deadly cleaning combination. Once I have the length of the first sheet, just tear a bunch off the same size and you can switch out clean for used in minutes.

You can freeze heavy cream or buttermilk. I have all kinds of recipes that call for small amounts of these and then the rest either goes to waste or I find my self baking enough to pack pounds onto the whole family! Just fill ice cube trays and freeze. When solid store in freezer zippy bags.

Only time will tell, but if this works as well as everyone on Pinterest says, it will be terrific! Cinnamon in the sandbox keeps the bugs away. You need to use a cup to a cup and a half of cinnamon and mix it into the sand.

I love this idea. Bobby pins have a way of escaping to never be found when needed (they can always be found when unwanted like when vacuuming!) 

I have often run my sponges through the dishwasher to freshen them up, but if there is not a load about to run this is a great idea. Soak sponges in water with either white vinegar or lemon juice, place in microwave for one minute on high. Be careful when these come out as they will be HOT! Use tongs or an oven mitt to remove.

Color Code Keys - I find myself stumbling around looking for the "right" key too often. When I saw this idea I thought this is just what I need! So far, so good . . . the polish is holding without chipping or peeling.


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